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Timur Muravyov
Timur Muravyov

Wifi Slax 5.1 Final: A Linux Distro with Pre-Installed Wifi Hacking Tools and Features

Wifi Slax 5.1 Final Free Download Torrent: A Complete Guide

Wifi hacking is one of the most popular and challenging topics in the field of cyber security. Whether you want to test the security of your own wifi network, or you want to learn how hackers break into others' wifi networks, you need a powerful and reliable tool that can help you achieve your goals.

Wifi Slax 5.1 Final Free Download Torrent


One of the best tools for wifi hacking is Wifi Slax, a Linux-based operating system that comes with a collection of pre-installed wifi hacking tools and features. In this article, we will show you how to download, install and run Wifi Slax 5.1 Final, the latest version of this amazing tool, for free using a torrent client. We will also show you how to use Wifi Slax 5.1 Final to scan, attack and crack wifi networks with ease.

What is Wifi Slax and why you need it

Wifi Slax is a Linux-based operating system for wifi hacking

Wifi Slax is a Linux distribution that is specially designed for wifi hacking and security testing. It is based on Slackware, one of the oldest and most stable Linux distributions, and it uses KDE, one of the most popular and user-friendly desktop environments.

Wifi Slax has been developed by, a Spanish website that focuses on wireless security and hacking. The first version of Wifi Slax was released in 2006, and since then it has been updated regularly with new tools and features.

Wifi Slax has many tools and features for wifi security testing

Wifi SlaxWifi Slax has many tools and features for wifi security testing, such as:

  • Wifite, a tool that automates the process of scanning and cracking wifi networks.

  • Aircrack-ng, a suite of tools that can perform various attacks on wifi networks, such as packet injection, deauthentication, replay, and brute force.

  • Wifiphisher, a tool that can perform phishing attacks on wifi networks, such as creating fake access points, captive portals, and credential harvesting.

  • Cowpatty, a tool that can crack wifi passwords using dictionary or rainbow table attacks.

  • Airjack, a tool that can hijack wifi sessions and perform man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • Reaver, a tool that can exploit the WPS vulnerability and recover the WPA/WPA2 passphrase.

  • Fern Wifi Cracker, a graphical tool that can scan, attack, and crack wifi networks.

  • Kismet, a tool that can detect and monitor wireless networks and devices.

  • Wireshark, a tool that can capture and analyze network traffic.

  • And many more...

Wifi Slax can be run from a USB drive or a CD/DVD

One of the advantages of Wifi Slax is that it can be run from a USB drive or a CD/DVD without installing it on your hard drive. This means that you can use Wifi Slax on any computer without affecting its existing operating system or data. You can also carry Wifi Slax with you wherever you go and use it on any wifi-enabled device.

To run Wifi Slax from a USB drive or a CD/DVD, you need to download the ISO file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final and create a bootable media with it. We will show you how to do this in the next section.

How to download Wifi Slax 5.1 Final for free

You need a torrent client to download Wifi Slax 5.1 Final

The easiest way to download Wifi Slax 5.1 Final for free is to use a torrent client. A torrent client is a software that allows you to download files from peer-to-peer networks, where users share files with each other without relying on a central server.

To use a torrent client, you need to have a torrent file, which is a small file that contains information about the file you want to download, such as its name, size, location, and checksum. You can open the torrent file with your torrent client and start downloading the file from other users who have it.

You can find the torrent file from various sources online

You can find the torrent file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final from various sources online, such as:

  • The official website of Wifi Slax:

  • The official forum of Wifi Slax:

  • The official blog of Wifi Slax:

  • The official YouTube channel of Wifi Slax:

  • The official Facebook page of Wifi Slax:

  • The official Twitter account of Wifi Slax:

  • The official Telegram group of Wifi Slax:

  • Other torrent websites, such as,, or

However, you should be careful when downloading torrent files from untrusted sources, as they may contain malware or viruses that can harm your computer. You should also respect the intellectual property rights of the creators of Wifi Slax and use it for educational purposes only.

You can verify the integrity of the downloaded file with MD5 checksum

After you download the ISO file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final, you should verify its integrity with MD5 checksum. MD5 checksum is a code that is generated from the file and can be used to check if the file is corrupted or tampered with.

To verify the MD5 checksum of the ISO file, you need to have a tool that can calculate and compare MD5 checksums, such as MD5summer for Windows, or md5sum for Linux. You can find the MD5 checksum of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final from the official website or forum of Wifi Slax, or from the torrent file itself.

To verify the MD5 checksum, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open the tool that can calculate and compare MD5 checksums.

  • Select the ISO file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final and click on "Calculate".

  • Compare the generated MD5 checksum with the one provided by the official source or the torrent file.

  • If they match, then the ISO file is valid and safe to use. If they don't match, then the ISO file is corrupted or modified and you should download it again from a trusted source.

How to install and run Wifi Slax 5.1 Final on your computer

You can create a bootable USB drive or a CD/DVD with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final

To install and run Wifi Slax 5.1 Final on your computer, you need to create a bootable USB drive or a CD/DVD with the ISO file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final. A bootable USB drive or a CD/DVD is a media that can start your computer from itself without using your hard drive.

To create a bootable USB drive or a CD/DVD with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final, you need to have a tool that can burn the ISO file to the USB drive or the CD/DVD, such as Rufus for Windows, or UNetbootin for Linux. You also need to have an empty USB drive or a CD/DVD with enough space to hold the ISO file.

To create a bootable USB drive or a CD/DVD with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open the tool that can burn the ISO file to the USB drive or the CD/DVD.

  • Select the ISO file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final and the USB drive or the CD/DVD as the destination.

  • Click on "Start" or "OK" to begin the burning process.

  • Wait until the process is completed and eject the USB drive or the CD/DVD.

  • You now have a bootable USB drive or a CD/DVD with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final.

You can boot your computer from the USB drive or the CD/DVD

To boot your computer from the USB drive or the CD/DVD with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final, you need to change your BIOS settings to allow your computer to start from external media. BIOS stands for Basic Input/Output System, and it is a software that controls how your computer interacts with its hardware components.

To change your BIOS settings, you need to follow these steps:

  • Turn off your computer and insert the USB drive or the CD/DVD with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final.

  • Turn on your computer and press a key that allows you to enter the BIOS setup, such as F2, F10, F12, or Del. The key may vary depending on your computer model and manufacturer.

  • Look for a menu that says "Boot" or "Boot Order" or something similar.

  • Select the USB drive or the CD/DVD as the first boot option and save the changes.

  • Exit the BIOS setup and restart your computer.

  • Your computer should now boot from the USB drive or the CD/DVD with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final.

You can choose between graphical or text mode to start Wifi Slax 5.1 Final

After you boot your computer from the USB drive or the CD/DVD with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final, you will see a menu that allows you to choose between graphical or text mode to start Wifi Slax 5.1 Final. Graphical mode is the default option and it will launch the KDE desktop environment with a graphical user interface. Text mode is the alternative option and it will launch a command-line interface with a text-based user interface.

To choose between graphical or text mode, you need to follow these steps:

  • Use the arrow keys to highlight the option you want and press Enter.

  • If you choose graphical mode, you will see a splash screen with the Wifi Slax logo and then the KDE desktop environment will load.

  • If you choose text mode, you will see a login prompt where you need to enter "root" as the username and "toor" as the password.

  • You will then see a command-line interface where you can type commands to use Wifi Slax 5.1 Final.

How to use Wifi Slax 5.1 Final to hack wifi networks

You can scan for wifi networks with Wifite or Airodump-ng

The first step to hack wifi networks with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final is to scan for wifi networks that are available in your area. You can use two tools for this purpose: Wifite or Airodump-ng.

Wifite is a tool that automates the process of scanning and cracking wifi networks. It can detect and attack WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPS, and WPA3 networks with various methods. It can also save the captured handshakes and passwords for later use.

Airodump-ng is a tool that can capture packets from wifi networks and display information about them, such as SSID, BSSID, channel, encryption, signal strength, and clients. It can also save the captured packets in a file for later analysis.

To scan for wifi networks with Wifite or Airodump-ng, you need to follow these steps:

  • If you are in graphical mode, open a terminal window by clicking on the icon that looks like a monitor with a shell prompt on it.

  • If you are in text mode, you are already in a terminal window.

  • Type "iwconfig" and press Enter to see the wireless interfaces available on your computer.

  • Type "airmon-ng start wlan0" and press Enter to put your wireless interface in monitor mode. Replace "wlan0" with the name of your wireless interface if it is different.

  • Type "wifite" and press Enter to start Wifite. You will see a list of wifi networks that Wifite has detected. You can press Ctrl+C to stop Wifite at any time.

  • Type "airodump-ng wlan0mon" and press Enter to start Airodump-ng. You will see a table of wifi networks that Airodump-ng has captured. You can press Ctrl+C to stop Airodump-ng at any time. Replace "wlan0mon" with the name of your monitor interface if it is different.

You can perform various attacks with Aircrack-ng or Wifiphisher

The next step to hack wifi networks with Wifi Slax 5.1 Final is to perform various attacks on wifi networks that you have scanned. You can use two tools for this purpose: Aircrack-ng or Wifiphisher.

Aircrack-ng is a suite of tools that can perform various attacks on wifi networks, such as packet injection, deauthentication, replay, and brute force. It can also crack wifi passwords using dictionary or rainbow table attacks.

Wifiphisher is a tool that can perform phishing attacks on wifi networks, such as creating fake access points, captive portals, and credential harvesting. It can also perform evil twin, karma, and known beacon attacks.

To perform various attacks with Aircrack-ng or Wifiphisher, you need to follow these steps:

  • If you are using Wifite, you can select the wifi network that you want to attack from the list and press Enter. Wifite will automatically choose the best attack method for the network and launch it. You can also press Ctrl+C to stop Wifite at any time.

  • If you are using Airodump-ng, you can note down the BSSID, channel, and encryption of the wifi network that you want to attack from the table. You can also press Ctrl+C to stop Airodump-ng at any time.

  • Type "airmon-ng stop wlan0mon" and press Enter to stop your monitor interface. Replace "wlan0mon" with the name of your monitor interface if it is different.

  • Type "airmon-ng start wlan0 6" and press Enter to start your monitor interface on channel 6. Replace "wlan0" with the name of your wireless interface if it is different. Replace "6" with the channel of the wifi network that you want to attack if it is different.

  • Type "aireplay-ng -0 10 -a 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0mon" and press Enter to deauthenticate all the clients connected to the wifi network with BSSID 00:11:22:33:44:55. Replace "00:11:22:33:44:55" with the BSSID of the wifi network that you want to attack if it is different. Replace "wlan0mon" with the name of your monitor interface if it is different. This will force the clients to reconnect to the wifi network and generate a handshake that can be captured by Airodump-ng.

  • Type "airodump-ng -c 6 --bssid 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w capture wlan0mon" and press Enter to capture packets from the wifi network with BSSID 00:11:22:33:44:55 on channel 6 and save them in a file called "capture". Replace "00:11:22:33:44:55" with the BSSID of the wifi network that you want to attack if it is different. Replace "6" with the channel of the wifi network that you want to attack if it is different. Replace "wlan0mon" with the name of your monitor interface if it is different. You will see a message that says "[ WPA handshake: 00:11:22:33:44:55 ]" when a handshake is captured.

  • Type "aircrack-ng -w wordlist.txt capture-01.cap" and press Enter to crack the wifi password using a dictionary file called "wordlist.txt". Replace "wordlist.txt" with the name of your dictionary file if it is different. Replace "capture-01.cap" with the name of your capture file if it is different. You will see a message that says "KEY FOUND! [ password ]" when the password is cracked.

  • Type "wifiphisher -i wlan0mon -e SSID -p firmware-upgrade" and press Enter to launch a phishing attack on the wifi network with SSID "SSID". Replace "wlan0mon" with the name of your monitor interface if it is different. Replace "SSID" with the name of the wifi network that you want to attack if it is different. This will create a fake access point with the same SSID as the target network and a captive portal that asks for the wifi password as a firmware upgrade.

  • Wait for a client to connect to your fake access point and enter their wifi password. You will see a message that says "[+] Captured credentials:" followed by the wifi password.

Conclusion and FAQs

Wifi Slax 5.1 Final is a powerful and free wifi hacking tool

In conclusion, Wifi Slax 5.1 Final is a powerful and free wifi hacking tool that can help you test the security of your own or others' wifi networks. It has many tools and features for wifi security testing, such as scanning, attacking, and cracking wifi networks. It can be run from a USB drive or a CD/DVD without installing it on your hard drive. It can be downloaded for free using a torrent client.

You can download, install and run Wifi Slax 5.1 Final easily with a torrent client

You can download, install and run Wifi Slax 5.1 Final easily with a torrent client by following these steps:

  • Find and download the torrent file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final from a trusted source online.

  • Open the torrent file with your torrent client and start downloading the ISO file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final.

  • Verify the integrity of the downloaded ISO file with MD5 checksum.

  • Create a bootable USB drive or a CD/DVD with the ISO file of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final.

  • Change your BIOS settings to boot your computer from the USB drive or the CD/DVD.

  • Choose between graphical or text mode to start Wifi Slax 5.1 Final.

  • Use the tools and features of Wifi Slax 5.1 Final to hack wifi networks.

You can use Wifi Slax 5.1 Final to test the security of your own or others' wifi networks

You can use Wifi Slax 5.1 Final to test the security of your own or others' wifi networks by scanning, attacking, and cracking wifi networks. You can also learn how hackers break into wifi networks and how to protect yourself from them. However, you should use Wifi Slax 5.1 Final for educational purposes only and with the permission of the wifi network owners. You should not use Wifi Slax 5.1 Final for illegal or malicious activities, as this may result in legal consequences.

FAQ 1: Is Wifi Slax legal to use?

Wifi Slax is legal to use as long as you use it for educational purposes only and with the permission of the wifi network owners. You should not use Wifi Slax for illegal or malicious activities, as this may result in legal consequences.

FAQ 2: What are the system requirements for Wifi Slax?

The system requirements for Wifi Slax are:

  • A computer with an x86 or x64 processor.

  • A wireless adapter that supports monitor mode and packet injection.

  • An empty USB drive or a CD/DVD with at least 2 GB of space.

  • A torrent client to download the ISO file of Wifi Slax.

  • A tool to burn the ISO file to the USB drive or the CD/DVD.

  • A tool to verify the MD5 checksum of the downloaded ISO file.

FAQ 3: How can I update Wifi Slax to the latest version?

You can update Wifi Slax to the latest version by downloading and installing the latest modules from the official website or forum of Wifi Slax. You can also check for updates from within Wifi Slax by using the "slapt-get" command.

FAQ 4: How can I get h


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