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Guitar Rig Preset Banks: What They Are, How They Work, and Why You Need Them

Guitar Rig Preset Bank Collection: How to Find and Use the Best Sounds for Your Guitar

If you are a guitar player, you probably know how important it is to have a good sound. Whether you are recording, practicing, jamming, or performing live, you want your guitar tone to match your musical vision and express your personality.

Guitar Rig Preset Bank Collection

But finding the right sound can be challenging. There are so many factors involved, such as the type of guitar, pickups, strings, pedals, cables, amps, speakers, microphones, etc. And even if you have all the gear you need, setting it up and tweaking it can take a lot of time and effort.

That's where Guitar Rig comes in. Guitar Rig is a powerful software that simulates amps, effects, and cabinets for your guitar. It allows you to achieve any tone you want, from classic to modern, from clean to distorted. And it does it all in a simple and intuitive way.

What is Guitar Rig and Why You Need It

Guitar Rig is a powerful software that simulates amps, effects, and cabinets for your guitar

Guitar Rig is a software developed by Native Instruments that lets you turn your computer into a virtual guitar rig. It works as a standalone application or as a plugin for your digital audio workstation (DAW).

Guitar Rig features a huge collection of components that emulate real-world gear. You can choose from over 50 amps, 30 cabinets, 16 microphones, and 100 effects. You can also mix and match them as you like, creating endless combinations of sounds.

Guitar Rig also has a built-in tuner, metronome, loop machine, recorder, and mixer. It also supports MIDI controllers and footswitches for easy control. And it has a low-latency mode for optimal performance.

Guitar Rig can help you achieve any tone you want, from classic to modern, from clean to distorted

With Guitar Rig, you can access a wide range of sounds for any genre or style of music. Whether you want to play blues, rock, metal, jazz , funk, country, or anything else, you can find the right amp and effect for your guitar.

You can also emulate the sounds of famous guitarists and songs. Guitar Rig has presets that recreate the tones of legends like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Eddie Van Halen, Slash, and more. You can also find presets that match the sounds of popular tracks like "Smoke on the Water", "Sweet Child O' Mine", "Enter Sandman", and more.

Or you can create your own unique sounds by experimenting with different components and settings. Guitar Rig gives you full control over every aspect of your sound, from the gain and EQ to the reverb and delay. You can also use modulation, distortion, filter, pitch, and other effects to add more character and flavor to your tone.

What are Preset Banks and How They Can Save You Time and Effort

Preset banks are collections of ready-made sounds that you can load into Guitar Rig

While Guitar Rig has a lot of presets built-in, you may want to expand your sonic options with more sounds. That's where preset banks come in.

Preset banks are files that contain multiple presets for Guitar Rig. They are usually organized by genre, style, artist, or song. For example, you can find preset banks that focus on blues, metal, jazz, or acoustic sounds. Or you can find preset banks that emulate the sounds of specific guitarists or bands. Or you can find preset banks that cover specific songs or albums.

Preset banks can save you a lot of time and effort when you are looking for a sound. Instead of browsing through hundreds of presets or tweaking them yourself, you can simply load a preset bank that matches your needs and choose from the available sounds.

Preset banks can give you instant access to thousands of sounds, organized by genre, style, artist, or song

There are many sources where you can find preset banks for Guitar Rig. Some of them are free, some of them are paid. Here are some examples:

- The official Guitar Rig User Library: This is a website where Guitar Rig users can upload and download presets for free. You can find over 10,000 presets here, covering all kinds of genres, styles, artists, and songs. You can also rate and comment on the presets, and share your own ones with the community. - Premium preset banks from professional sound designers and websites: These are preset banks that are created by experts who have a lot of experience and knowledge in guitar sound design. They usually offer high-quality sounds that are carefully crafted and tested. Some examples of these websites are The Amp Factory, Tone Junkie, Top Jimi, and Riffstation. These preset banks usually cost money, but they may be worth it if you want the best sounds possible. - Your own preset banks: You can also create your own preset banks by tweaking the existing presets or starting from scratch. This way, you can customize your sounds to your liking and save them for future use. You can also share your preset banks with other users if you want. How to Load and Use Preset Banks in Guitar Rig

You need to download the preset files and unzip them into your Guitar Rig folder

To use preset banks in Guitar Rig, you first need to download the files from the source. The files usually have the extension .ngrr or .ksd. They may be compressed in a zip or rar file, so you need to unzip them first.

Then, you need to copy the files into your Guitar Rig folder. The location of this folder may vary depending on your operating system and version of Guitar Rig. But generally, it should be something like this:

- Windows: C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\Native Instruments\Guitar Rig 6\Sounds - Mac: /Users/Your Name/Documents/Native Instruments/Guitar Rig 6/Sounds If you have an older version of Guitar Rig, you may need to replace 6 with 5 or 4.

You need to open Guitar Rig and select the preset bank from the browser menu

Once you have copied the files into your Guitar Rig folder, you need to open Guitar Rig and go to the browser menu. This is where you can see all the presets available in your system.

You should see a list of categories on the left side of the browser menu. These categories include Factory Content (the built-in presets), User Content (the presets you have created or modified), User Library (the presets you have downloaded from the official website), and any other folders that contain preset files.

You need to find the category that contains the preset bank you want to use. For example, if you have downloaded a preset bank called "Blues Rock", you should look for a folder with that name. If you don't see it, you may need to refresh the browser menu by clicking on the refresh button on the top right corner.

Once you have found the category, you can click on it to see the presets inside. You should see a list of presets on the right side of the browser menu. These presets are usually named after the sounds they produce, such as "Clean Crunch", "Heavy Lead", "Funky Wah", etc.

You can switch between presets using the arrow keys or the mouse

To load a preset, you can simply click on it with your mouse. You should see the components and settings of the preset on the main screen of Guitar Rig. You should also hear the sound of the preset through your speakers or headphones.

To switch between presets, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard or the mouse wheel. You can also use the buttons on the bottom of the browser menu to navigate through the presets. You can also search for a preset by typing its name in the search box on the top of the browser menu.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Preset Banks

You can adjust the parameters of each preset to suit your guitar, playing style, and preferences

While preset banks can give you great sounds, they may not be perfect for your guitar, playing style, and preferences. That's why you can adjust the parameters of each preset to make it sound better for you.

For example, you can change the volume, gain, EQ, reverb, delay, and other settings of each component. You can also add or remove components as you like. You can also change the order of the components by dragging and dropping them on the main screen.

To adjust a parameter, you can click and drag on it with your mouse, or use a MIDI controller or footswitch if you have one. You can also double-click on a parameter to enter a value manually.

You can combine presets from different banks to create new sounds

Another way to get more out of your preset banks is to combine presets from different banks to create new sounds. This way, you can mix and match different amps, effects, and cabinets to create unique tones.

To combine presets, you need to use the snapshot feature of Guitar Rig. A snapshot is a temporary copy of a preset that you can save and recall later. You can use snapshots to compare different presets or create variations of them.

To create a snapshot, you need to load a preset and then click on the snapshot button on the top left corner of Guitar Rig. You should see a number appear on the button, indicating that you have created a snapshot. You can create up to eight snapshots at a time.

To recall a snapshot, you need to click on the snapshot button again and select the number of the snapshot you want. You should see and hear the preset change accordingly.

To combine presets, you need to create snapshots of different presets and then drag and drop them onto each other on the main screen. For example, if you want to combine an amp from one preset with an effect from another preset, you need to create snapshots of both presets and then drag and drop one component onto another. You should see a dialog box asking you if you want to replace or add the component. You can choose either option depending on what you want.

You can save your modified presets as new files or overwrite the original ones

Once you have adjusted or combined presets to your liking, you may want to save them for future use. You can do this by saving your modified presets as new files or overwriting the original ones. You can do this by using the save button on the top right corner of Guitar Rig.

To save your modified presets as new files, you need to click on the save button and choose "Save As". You should see a dialog box where you can enter a name and a category for your new preset. You can also add a description and a rating if you want. Then, you need to click on "OK" to save your new preset.

To overwrite the original presets, you need to click on the save button and choose "Save". You should see a dialog box asking you if you are sure you want to overwrite the original preset. You can click on "Yes" to confirm or "No" to cancel.

After saving your modified presets, you can find them in the browser menu under the category you have chosen. You can also edit, rename, delete, or share them as you like.


Guitar Rig preset banks are a great way to expand your sonic palette and find inspiration for your guitar playing. You can find preset banks for any genre, style, artist, or song you want, or create your own ones. You can load and use preset banks easily in Guitar Rig and tweak them to your liking.

With Guitar Rig preset banks, you can have access to thousands of sounds that can make your guitar sound amazing. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you can benefit from using preset banks in Guitar Rig. They can help you save time and effort, improve your sound quality, and unleash your creativity.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of Guitar Rig preset banks today and discover the best sounds for your guitar!


What is the difference between Guitar Rig 6 and Guitar Rig 5?

Guitar Rig 6 is the latest version of Guitar Rig that was released in 2020. It has some new features and improvements over Guitar Rig 5, such as:

- New amps and effects: Guitar Rig 6 has six new amps and 14 new effects that are based on modern and vintage gear. They include the Chicago amp, the Fire Breather amp, the Crushed Butler effect, the Harmonic Synthesizer effect, and more. - New interface and browser: Guitar Rig 6 has a redesigned interface that is more user-friendly and intuitive. It also has a new browser that makes it easier to find and manage presets. - New sound engine: Guitar Rig 6 has a new sound engine that is more realistic and responsive. It also has improved performance and stability. Can I use Guitar Rig with other instruments besides guitar?

Yes, you can use Guitar Rig with other instruments besides guitar. You can use it with bass, keyboards, vocals, drums, or any other instrument that you can plug into your computer. You can also use it with audio files or MIDI tracks in your DAW.

Guitar Rig has presets that are designed for different instruments and sources. You can find them in the browser menu under the categories "Bass", "Vocals", "Keys", "Drums", "Mastering", etc.

Can I use Guitar Rig without an audio interface?

Yes, you can use Guitar Rig without an audio interface. You can use your computer's built-in sound card or microphone input to connect your guitar to Guitar Rig. However, this may not give you the best sound quality and latency.

An audio interface is a device that connects your guitar to your computer via USB or FireWire. It converts the analog signal from your guitar into digital data that your computer can process. It also converts the digital data from your computer into analog signal that your speakers or headphones can play.

An audio interface can improve your sound quality and latency by providing better converters, preamps, drivers, and outputs. It can also offer more inputs and outputs for connecting other devices.

How do I update Guitar Rig?

To update Guitar Rig, you need to use the Native Access application that comes with Guitar Rig. Native Access is a tool that manages all your Native Instruments products and updates.

To update Guitar Rig with Native Access, you need to follow these steps:

- Open Native Access and log in with your Native Instruments account. - Go to the Updates tab and look for Guitar Rig in the list of products. - Click on the Update button next to Guitar Rig and wait for the download and installation to complete. - Restart Guitar Rig to apply the update. How do I uninstall Guitar Rig?

To uninstall Guitar Rig, you need to use the uninstaller that comes with Guitar Rig. The uninstaller is a program that removes Guitar Rig and all its components from your computer. The uninstaller is located in the same folder as Guitar Rig, usually something like this:

- Windows: C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Guitar Rig 6 - Mac: /Applications/Native Instruments/Guitar Rig 6 To uninstall Guitar Rig with the uninstaller, you need to follow these steps:

- Close Guitar Rig and any other applications that use it. - Open the Guitar Rig folder and look for the uninstaller file. It should be called "Uninstall Guitar Rig 6" or something similar. - Double-click on the uninstaller file and follow the instructions on the screen. - Restart your computer to complete the uninstallation. dcd2dc6462


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